Episode 101

Innovative Solutions: The Fire-Resistant Potential of Green Cork

Published on: 16th February, 2025

The salient point of this discussion centers on the innovative green cork product developed by Randy Bailey, which possesses remarkable fire-resistant properties that could significantly mitigate the risks associated with home fires. As we delve into the intricacies of this revolutionary material, we explore its potential to serve as an effective barrier against fire, thereby providing homeowners with both peace of mind and the possibility of enhanced insurance coverage. The conversation also encompasses the broader context of sustainable living, emphasizing the historical evolution of shelter and the pressing need for environmentally responsible building materials in today's climate. Throughout this episode, we aim to elucidate the myriad advantages of integrating cork into modern construction practices, particularly in areas vulnerable to wildfires. Join us as we examine how this groundbreaking approach can contribute not only to individual safety but also to the collective endeavor of fostering a more sustainable future.


  • The innovative green cork product developed by Randy Bailey is designed to offer significant fire resistance, which can help protect homes from devastation caused by wildfires.
  • Cork, a material traditionally associated with wine bottles, is utilized in a new formulation that prevents cracking and fading, making it a sustainable building option.
  • The podcast emphasizes the importance of educating homeowners and insurance companies about the benefits of using fire-resistant materials like the green cork product.
  • Randy Bailey's green cork product is not only environmentally friendly but also presents homeowners with a potential reduction in insurance costs due to enhanced fire safety.
  • The certification process for the green cork product is crucial as it aims to meet the standards necessary for wildfire urban interface areas, enhancing its market appeal.
  • The discussion highlights the disconnect between homeowners, insurance companies, and fire safety recommendations, indicating a need for better communication and education on fire-resistant building materials.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Green Cork Products
  • Fox 10
  • Fox 12
  • Ideal Home Improvement, LLC.
  • Legacy Custom Homes AZ., LLC.
  • i Foam
  • Mr. Electric
  • Stardust Building Supplies
  • Amrom
Speaker A:

When someone thinks outside the boxcar, it could make all the difference in the world.

Speaker A:

My guest today, Randy Bailey, is such a person, his green cork product could save your home from fire devastation.

Speaker A:

You think cork can only be found in wine bottles?

Speaker A:

Think again.

Speaker A:

Let's find out how we can get your home corked today.

Speaker B:

Since the dawn of time, mankind has searched for ways to shelter themselves from the El elements.

Speaker B:

Over the centuries, these shelters have evolved from bamboo huts to concrete towers.

Speaker B:

The last few years, there's been a push to save the planet.

Speaker B:

Are you ready to embark on a more sustainable lifestyle?

Speaker B:

Look no further.

Speaker B:

You're about to enter the adventures of container home Living.

Speaker B:

And now, contractor, radio and TV personality and your host for Boxcar Universe, Steve Dubel.

Speaker C:

Hi, I'm Steve Dubell, host of Boxcar Universe, and we would like to welcome everyone to the show today.

Speaker C:

We are following up on a previous show that we did a few weeks ago regarding the LA fires and some of the devastation that has happened out there.

Speaker C:

And obviously we were showcasing some of the help that is people are sending their way in the way of materials, homes, just updating people on the different things that obviously that, you know, some of the government agencies are not doing for them.

Speaker C:

And, and we want to do all possible as well as help in the rebuilding of what homes are going to need in the future because obviously we'll never make these fires go away completely.

Speaker C:

We can minimize the damage, which I, I'm glad that they have started taking step towards doing.

Speaker C:

However, there are other steps that need to be done and that's one of the things that why I wanted to have one of my good friends, Randy Bailey on from Green Cork Products again, because for those of you who didn't hear our previous shows, he is one of the founding members of a great product that he produces right here in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, Arizona.

Speaker C:

So I'd like to welcome Randy Bailey to our conversation.

Speaker C:

Randy, thanks so much for taking time out to be on Boxcar Universe today.

Speaker D:

Thank you, Stephen.

Speaker D:

It's great to be here and I just want to commend you.

Speaker D:

I just feel like you bring some, not just us, but such valuable information to your listeners and I just want to commend you for focusing on things that people are probably worried about, concerned about and looking for answers.

Speaker C:

Yeah, well, I think that's what it's all about because all we want to do is make a difference and that's one of the things that I've always tried to do with all the advocation that I've done for homeless veterans, for the cancer society and all that to be able to go out and help people because, I mean, that's what we're here for.

Speaker C:

So we want to be able to do that.

Speaker C:

But thank you for those words.

Speaker C:

I really appreciate it.

Speaker C:

But anyway, let's, let's get started and get our listeners updated a little bit on your product so that this way we can get an idea of.

Speaker C:

They can get an idea of what your product is so we can see how it's going to be a help to the people in California.

Speaker D:

Well, thank you.

Speaker D:

Well, to begin with, my partner, Jim Miller.

Speaker D:

Originally the focus of the company was to find a replacement for traditional stucco.

Speaker D:

That is a major issue for home builders and homeowners.

Speaker D:

It cracks, it's cement based.

Speaker D:

And our design was to come up with a formulation that would prevent that cracking.

Speaker D:

And through Jim's research, he identified cork coming out of Spain and Portugal.

Speaker D:

And we used a company here in Phoenix that's been blending products for the leading building materials companies for 40 years.

Speaker D:

And they helped us develop a formulation to come up with exactly that, which is an elastomeric based exterior coating of homes that instead of having semen, has cork.

Speaker D:

And it has tremendous advantages.

Speaker D:

We covered in the prior shows, which is no cracking and lack of fading and, and it's got UV inhibitors, mold inhibitors, et cetera.

Speaker D:

But what came out of that, Stephen, and I think like in a lot of entrepreneurial situations, the surprise to us was the fire rating we got with our product.

Speaker D:

And you have to be certified as you know, through a lab in North America, which we were, and there's a test called the Steiner Tunnel test.

Speaker D:

And that test came and we were actually shocked because what they do is they put our formulation on a substrate, drywall, whatever, and they put it in this tunnel and they blast a furnace fire at it.

Speaker D:

And they measure two things primarily.

Speaker D:

One is the spread rate of the flame and two is the smoke that's generated.

Speaker D:

Because as you probably know and our listeners know that smoke is, is more dangerous often than the fire.

Speaker D:

I unbelievably, because cork does not burn, our product came back almost as good as can be expected.

Speaker D:

We had zero flame spread, which means once the fire hits, our product of flame does not spread.

Speaker D:

And secondly, the smoke there, out of a 250 possible rating, we got a 5 smoke, which means there's almost no flame spread and no smoke.

Speaker D:

So that's what triggered our desire learning that, frankly, wow, wouldn't we maybe be able to help with a blend of fire Product that would allow homeowners to have either, number one, present to the insurance companies that they could get insurance or two, have some peace of mind about their home.

Speaker D:

Now, I will say the primary blend we have is, is one blend, the fire enhanced blend has some additional ingredients which we're currently seeking certification for that enhanced blend for what's called the Wildfire urban interface, which is really the areas where humans and nature interact.

Speaker D:

And that's where you're seeing a lot of these, these fires.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I mean it's, it's, it's amazing that first of all, the product is amazing.

Speaker C:

I've had firsthand viewing of it in, in action.

Speaker C:

Not so much in the, you know, when it was tested with fire, but the.

Speaker C:

You had recently done an interview on our local Fox station here in Phoenix, Fox 10, and they actually showed fire being thrown, you know, put right up against it.

Speaker C:

And what you're saying is actually true, it doesn't burn.

Speaker D:

Yes, it was pretty amazing with the Fox 10 and 12 news.

Speaker D:

I want to comment on them also.

Speaker D:

lowtorch on it which is about:

Speaker D:

And literally with our enhanced fire blend, we, we were just stunned at the lack of the ability of that flame.

Speaker D:

We can put it on a piece of cardboard.

Speaker D:

Think of a piece of cardboard with a very thin, maybe quarter inch spray on it.

Speaker D:

You're holding a:

Speaker D:

That's pretty impressive.

Speaker D:

But let's face it, nature has been generating cork for billions of years to protect oak tree.

Speaker D:

That's what it does in nature.

Speaker D:

So it's not surprising that it does it in our blend, you know, and.

Speaker C:

I think one of the things that also attracted me towards it when we first met was the fact that it is a sustainable product where you utilize pretty much basically the remains of what after bottling companies make corks and stuff that they would normally throw away.

Speaker C:

And you recycle it.

Speaker D:

Yeah, well, actually they do recycle it.

Speaker D:

We buy the recycled product.

Speaker D:

You're correct.

Speaker D:

They stamp out, they shave the tree every 12 years or 10 years.

Speaker D:

I'm sorry.

Speaker D:

And by the way, these trees will live over 200 years, but they'll shave that tree and they'll punch the cork and then those, the leftover is ground up into different size granules and we import a certain size right here to Phoenix and we blend that in into our product.

Speaker D:

So, yes, it's A sustainable, renewable product.

Speaker D:

And actually the Cork forest is one of the largest CO2, you know, places on the planet to store, store the.

Speaker C:

CO2, which is, which is pretty amazing as far as, you know, the Earth cycle where it, you have, we take in oxygen, we give off CO2, and in the way the plant and whole, the whole ecosystem is set up, it just, it's, it's something that is a natural thing.

Speaker C:

We now correctly, where is the most abundant area for cork forests?

Speaker D:

It's Portugal and Spain, our provider and we were very fortunate to have an agreement with by far the largest provider of cork in the world.

Speaker D:

It's called amrom out of Portugal and we import from them.

Speaker D:

But an interesting thing that your, your listeners might do, Stephen, that I found shocking when I first got into this.

Speaker D:

If they take a cork, most people think a cork is a very soft, pliable material, which it is.

Speaker D:

But the next time they open a bottle of wine and that cork, they should try to squeeze that between their fingers.

Speaker D:

It's the only lightweight aggregate on the planet, which, by the way, man has never been able to reproduce that you cannot compress or cannot compress.

Speaker D:

r with cork and cement, maybe:

Speaker D:

We were over:

Speaker D:

Because the cork actually does not compress like most people would visualize it doing.

Speaker C:

Yeah, really.

Speaker C:

I mean, and you think about that if you have a, it has to have a little bit of give if they use it in wine bottles, but not a whole lot.

Speaker C:

But I guess the, the, the makeup of it when it gives just enough that you could seal a bottle, but not enough to where like you say, if you put, try and compress it too much, it won't give.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

Very, very blessed, Stephen.

Speaker D:

There's a company in town that's got a chemist that's world renowned.

Speaker D:

He's been doing this for 40 years.

Speaker D:

He said on ASTM committees, written specifications for the testing and he joined us to help with our blending.

Speaker D:

And so our formulation is, is by far the best in the world for a cork based spray to do what we're accomplishing.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I mean, that's just, it's amazing how man's needs are met when we have crises.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And it's just amazing.

Speaker C:

So how long ago was.

Speaker C:

Would you say that the quark was discovered to be able to be used in the way that you are using it?

Speaker D:

Great question, Stephen.

Speaker D:

And ironically, it's been used in Europe for many, many, many years, I believe.

Speaker D:

That the reason it has not been used in the United States and North America is because we can't grow cork here.

Speaker D:

And so we're just not familiar with it.

Speaker D:

And as our chemist said, it's a lot of fun for him because nobody else is working with cork.

Speaker D:

He said, normally when you're working on some kind of product, there's 10 other companies working on that.

Speaker D:

Now I, I may believe, based on our success that we will find people introducing cork.

Speaker D:

But I, to answer your question, I believe it's because we cannot grow cork of any volume or quality here in North America.

Speaker D:

They have tried in Napa to grow cork.

Speaker D:

They did it successfully, but the quality of that cork was not what's needed for wine and therefore was not, you know, continued.

Speaker D:

So yeah, I think it's because it's not grown here.

Speaker D:

But we're thrilled to introduce it and we continue in our.

Speaker D:

We've really turned into a research and development lab, Stephen, as much as a spray court company because behind the two or three products we currently have, there's five or six core space products that could change.

Speaker D:

If you think of a paver around a swimming pool, it's so hot.

Speaker D:

Imagine a course cork based paver that doesn't get over 80 degrees or 85 degrees and you don't burn your feet as an example.

Speaker D:

Those are the kind of things or a brick that weighs a fraction of what a concrete brick does, but has a PSI strength we talked about and could be used for many, many things.

Speaker D:

Insulation, soundproofing, on and on and again, those are all natural attributes of cork.

Speaker D:

We're just fortunate enough to have started that in North America.

Speaker C:

Well, I have to believe that in, in the, as, as I've seen in, in what it's been like two years since we've known each other, how the business has, has, has grown and actually like you say, you're finding more ways to use it and more and just variations of the product.

Speaker C:

So this way you have a type of product that like when we first saw it, where you could spray it becomes an architectural kind of thing.

Speaker C:

Where you could spray buildings, give it a little bit of a different kind of look.

Speaker C:

And for our listeners who haven't seen this, for the best thing I could do that.

Speaker C:

Well, actually the closest thing I could say that it resembles is a sand finish stucco because that's kind of what it looks like and it feels like, but that is like that is cement based.

Speaker C:

But you, you're a cork base.

Speaker C:

And the attributes of the cork are so much more than the Stucco.

Speaker C:

It's, it's pretty amazing.

Speaker D:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker D:

And, but your description, I think most people, if they were wanting to visualize is a sand finish is perfect.

Speaker D:

And then the other attribute I think that your listeners would be excited about is we can take a color code from almost any paint color they have and blend it in right into the mixture.

Speaker D:

So there's no requirement to paint once you've sprayed cork on your home.

Speaker D:

And but in addition to that, the cork receives paint very well.

Speaker D:

So if you had pop outs or areas of your home or building you wanted to accent, you can paint that after you've corked it.

Speaker D:

So really is a wonderful combination.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it has so many, so many good uses.

Speaker C:

But we're going to take a short break.

Speaker C:

When we come back, we're going to have more information from Randy.

Speaker C:

We're going to talk a little bit about green cork products is going to be of a tremendous benefit to all the people that have been displaced and future people that hopefully will never get displaced to protecting their home when fires come upon us.

Speaker C:

So don't go away.

Speaker C:

And we'll be right back.

Speaker C:

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Speaker A:

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Speaker C:

All right.

Speaker A:

And we are back.

Speaker A:

And you're listening to Boxing Car Universe right here from the beautiful and palacious Boxcar Studios here in Phoenix, Arizona.

Speaker C:

We are here today with Randy Bailey from Green Cork Products and we're talking about his fabulous product and how it's helping homeowners here in the Valley and around the country, not just from an architectural standpoint on changing the way their home looks, but the value it has in the way of resisting fires, which is so totally tremendous.

Speaker C:

But tell our listeners a little bit about your involvement with the the recent LA fires.

Speaker D:

Well, actually we, I don't want to miss, we've not been able to help anyone in the LA fires.

Speaker D:

We believe that we have a formulation as, as we move forward.

Speaker D:

As you stated earlier, there has to be some changes and I think the term is house hardening that the professionals I met with this past week in the fire industry mentioned.

Speaker D:

And there's lots of attributes to that.

Speaker D:

And I don't want to in any way present myself as an expert in fire.

Speaker D:

I just know in meeting with the folks we met with in Coconino county here in Arizona and Flagstaff, they stated to have an exterior coating that we're presenting that would have the fire resistance.

Speaker D:

We never say fireproof because everything would eventually burn with heat and time.

Speaker D:

But with our coding, they indicated they've not seen anything like it, certainly from a sustainable product nature.

Speaker D:

And that if in fact we can continue to achieve the certifications that we're in the midst of getting, which is the Urban Interface Wildfire Urban Interface certification, at that point we could truly be a solution as a part of an overall strategy for a homeowner to harden their home against wildfires or really any type of fires.

Speaker D:

And what I found out, Stephen, in meeting with these fire professionals is that there's a lot of disconnect.

Speaker D:

And I'm sure that the homeowners in LA and other places around the country that are exposed to fire, there's a disconnect between the insurance industry, the fire Code and the homeowner.

Speaker D:

And what's happening, Stephen, is that, you know, these insurance companies are needing for financial reasons to cancel homeowners or not renew them because the risk profile they have now of these homes in these areas is so high that they don't want to issue them.

Speaker D:

The trouble we have, Steven, is there's nothing that the insurance companies can present to the homeowners and say, if you do this, we will cover your structure.

Speaker D:

There is nothing like that exists.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

The fire folks have come up with codes and recommendations and all kinds of solutions that they want to see implemented, but there's nothing on a piece of paper that says, Mr.

Speaker D:

Homeowner, you're in a wildlife urban interface area and if you do you check these boxes, then we'll grant you insurance.

Speaker D:

To me, that does not exist.

Speaker D:

Now, maybe you can find a fire professional or an insurance professional that can dispute that or refute that, but my understanding is right now that's where the issue is.

Speaker D:

So what we're hoping, Stephen, with our company, is to become a part of that solution going forward where the insurance companies understand our product and they understand that if a homeowner were to select this direction, they are hardening their home against fire, which would enhance their ability to get insurance based on that and other criteria.

Speaker D:

So that's kind of where we're at as a very small startup company in Phoenix.

Speaker D:

But we think we can be a part of the total and ongoing solution that a homeowner could present to save their home or their structure.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I mean, I think that's so important to be able to do that in you.

Speaker C:

You sparked a thought here of talking about that getting insurance companies to re recognize your product and what it could do.

Speaker C:

Thinking about one of our local municipalities in the Phoenix area, Scottsdale, which you cannot build a home or do any sizable remodel without having a fire protection sprinkler system in your home.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And obviously that plays into what the insurance companies are going to do too, because if you do have one year old, I'm not just saying it's Scottsdale, but anywhere it should actually help and we'll call it ease the pain of what, even though if you have to pay more, but at least the insurance company is going to insure you because you have that buyer protection system in place.

Speaker C:

I would think incorporating green cork products in a municipality like Scottsdale and insurance companies that that insure in that area is.

Speaker C:

There has to be someone that you can connect with to be able to make presentations like the one I Want to talk a little bit about up north with the wildlife people to be able to go back out and incorporate that in so that people can have a little peace of mind.

Speaker C:

People in California could go out and say, hey, I can get insurance if I include this in this, which I think is, is, it's important.

Speaker C:

I mean, how else, how else are you going to get.

Speaker C:

It took years for the municipalities here in Phoenix to turn around and all of a sudden realize that, hey, you know, there's so, so much of an interest for people that want to build ADUs accessory dwelling units on their property as a secondary residence.

Speaker C:

That man, maybe we want to allow them.

Speaker C:

So all of a sudden one did it and everybody else, you know, went along with it.

Speaker C:

So all the municipalities around Phoenix now allow ADUs, which I get calls on all the time, you know, earlier, any restrictions, I said we can put one on your property as long as it doesn't have, it doesn't conflict with the setbacks on the property.

Speaker C:

That's it.

Speaker C:

Because they'll allow it.

Speaker C:

Again, like you say, people in California have to make changes.

Speaker C:

And I think what you represent with your product is something that is long term, but again, it's, it's probably going to be an uphill battle.

Speaker C:

Hang tight.

Speaker A:

We'll be right back.

Speaker A:

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Speaker C:

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Speaker C:

All right.

Speaker A:

And we are back and you're listening to Boxcar Universe.

Speaker D:

Well, the, the beautiful thing about what we're doing, Stephen, and by the way, it's shows like yours, it's Fox 10 News, it's 12 News Phoenix.

Speaker D:

You know, a lot of people don't have a favorable view of the news these days, but I certainly do.

Speaker D:

And what they're, you know, I found them to be very eager and willing to try to reach out and help small companies like ours who present value to the community.

Speaker D:

So we're blessed with that.

Speaker D:

But that being said, I think one exciting thing that we bring is we can retro spray our stuff.

Speaker D:

If somebody had a cabin today up in Payson and they were concerned about fire, we can spray on everything but almost vinyl, concrete, stucco, wood.

Speaker D:

So it's not like they, it's only for new build and the rebuild in California as an example, people could directly affect their ability.

Speaker D:

Now granted, again, it's the building envelope that is important, not just the outer coating, your roof, your gutters, your pine needles in your gutters, all those kinds of things affect it.

Speaker D:

And ironically, the thing I learned, I think I could speak for what I learned from the fire is that the five foot zone around your home of non combustible is about as important as anything.

Speaker D:

And but, but to your answer, getting the word out, educating the insurance companies, homeowners.

Speaker D:

But again, if there's someone who has a home, they're worried.

Speaker D:

Today we can spray.

Speaker D:

We're fully certified in North America and we've got the, the fire class A rating that would help them.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think that's, I think that's going to be the specs on it and what it can do are just phenomenal.

Speaker C:

that you know, here we are in:

Speaker C:

Yep, it's pretty, it's pretty amazing.

Speaker D:

And what I've kind of found, and I'm not a building materials expert, but I found through my partner and others that Europe is oftentimes ahead of us in the building material segment.

Speaker D:

And you may know that based on your career, but certainly with cork that is the case.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's pretty amazing.

Speaker C:

So what other kind of obstacles that you run across?

Speaker C:

And we were talking about earlier off air about working with the forestry Commission here in Arizona.

Speaker D:

Yeah, the big thing for us, Stephen, is this wildlife wildlife urban interface zone, which is kind of an interesting statistic.

Speaker D:

And again, I'm not an expert, but I was reading, I believe, Stephen, as much as 38% of homes in America are in a wildlife urban interface zone.

Speaker D:

So if you think about that, that's a pretty massive amount of people who are going to be concerned about wildfires and insurance and all the things we've discussed on this show.

Speaker D:

So to answer your question, our next step that we're right in the middle of with a testing laboratory is this certification for wildlife, wildlife, urban interface zones so that we can, in addition to our existing spray, which by the way, our existing spray is class A, just to be clear to your listeners, the enhanced fire spray will go even farther beyond that.

Speaker D:

So that's what we're working on.

Speaker D:

And I think that certification will really get the attention of insurance companies, fire professionals and, and just people, politicians who are trying to come up with a way to move forward.

Speaker C:

So if you get all these certifications in place, obviously what would be your target market?

Speaker C:

Would it be a government agency or would it be like for instance here locally that people are, who want to do their homes and spray the exterior of their homes and you have designated vendors who can spray your product.

Speaker C:

Who would, who would, who would you look to help you or I should say, who would you look to for government agencies to be able to go and utilize the product in, in their areas?

Speaker D:

I think all of those, I think government agencies, politicians, individual homeowners, organizations like the, there's, there's huge organizations for wildlife fire management and, and just there's lots of people.

Speaker D:

And that's why as a small company like ours, you getting this message out is probably the most valuable thing you could do for your listeners is to get this word out.

Speaker D:

And we're a small Arizona based company, but we're working through some very large building materials companies and we're thinking that may be the best approach to truly scale is to allow a partner or strategic partner to take this to market through a vast, massive distribution network where they can blend our product in local markets, they can distribute it in local markets, they can apply it in local markets.

Speaker D:

All the things that people need.

Speaker D:

We could scale much more quickly.

Speaker D:

So that's a consideration.

Speaker D:

But your program, Fox:

Speaker D:

Education is the key right now.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think.

Speaker C:

And education.

Speaker C:

And we were talking about the community stuff before, you know, community.

Speaker C:

Not just city.

Speaker C:

City meetings that they have.

Speaker C:

Talking about all the different things that the politicians want to do for, you know, building this or doing that or, you know, developing a certain area or whatever.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Those are.

Speaker C:

I think those would be instrumental in going around and making connections with all those and doing presentations at those meetings.

Speaker D:

I agree.

Speaker C:

Somebody up.

Speaker D:

Yeah, we'd be thrilled to do that.

Speaker D:

And we are doing that.

Speaker D:

And we're going to go as fast as we can because we're ready.

Speaker D:

We've got the product certified, we're working on this next certification.

Speaker D:

But that should not hold any community organization.

Speaker D:

I think of hoas, if I was a company managing properties that were in areas that were concerned or they're getting their insurance renewable premiums and they're delivering the massively bad news to their communities, you know, I would be reaching out to companies like ours and saying, you know, educate me on what you're doing and how can I use this to help my constituents save money on their insurance.

Speaker D:

And that's really what we're trying to.

Speaker D:

That's the level we're trying to get to.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

So how.

Speaker C:

How far along do you think you are?

Speaker C:

Because I know things like this take time.

Speaker D:

Well, I think the, the Class A certification allows them already to.

Speaker D:

We're ready to meet with those homeowners and show that certification.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

If they're in a wildlife urban interface area, you know, we're not quite ready for that.

Speaker D:

But by the time we would get through their board meetings and their.

Speaker D:

Whatever the, the bureaucratic process they have is, we'll be ready.

Speaker D:

We're talking, you know, a month maybe.

Speaker D:

We're hoping at the outside really to have that final certification.

Speaker C:

Yeah, well.

Speaker C:

But we'll surely do whatever we can.

Speaker C:

And that's one of the reasons that the TV reported I had on.

Speaker C:

On the previous show that we talked about the LA fires, I sent them the link that you sent me about the Fox 10 video so she could share it with contacts that she knows in the media in Los Angeles.

Speaker C:

So that this way we, and I intend to follow up with her on that too to see where we're at and we'll try and make some more connections for you so that this way we can help those people as they rebuild.

Speaker C:

Because it's so important in the rebuilding process they should be able to think about using sustainable products, but things that are going to be able to be used and safeguard the area that they live in so that they can live and prevent disasters.

Speaker C:

Like one of the ones that happened to Natalie where she was reporting the Palisade fires and all of a sudden the Eden fires kicked up.

Speaker C:

That's where she lived in that area.

Speaker C:

And then she lost her house.

Speaker D:

Yeah, that's.

Speaker D:

And that's one thing I want to make sure.

Speaker D:

I would say, listen, we would never want to take advantage of that situation because our product is designed for everywhere in the country.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

That I think obviously that tragedy brought awareness as much as anything to the insurance companies and therefore that comes back to the homeowners.

Speaker D:

But again, our product, if you think of 38% of homes being in that, that, that's a lot of homes in a lot of the country.

Speaker D:

So although the California fire has brought it to a lot of people's attention, it's I think, been on people's minds and, and we understand that.

Speaker D:

But we have no desire to leverage the LA fires to accelerate our sales at all.

Speaker D:

Love to work with anyone there, but their rebuilding process I think is going to be some time and brutal.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Randy, how can our listeners contact you?

Speaker D:

There's two ways.

Speaker D:

One is www.greencourtproducts.com.

Speaker D:

i'd encourage them to look at the video section.

Speaker D:

There's a great thermal video there of how well our product performs with heat.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

And again, we're Arizona based product just west of downtown, about five minutes.

Speaker D:

So very eager to answer any questions anyone might have about our company or products.

Speaker C:

All right, Randy, that's really great information and hope all our listeners have that and also all our listeners can go back and get that information on our Boxcar Universe website through the the podcast.

Speaker C:

And Randy, thanks so much for taking time out to be with us today and we'll keep moving forward and keep reaching out and keep promoting green cork products.

Speaker D:

Thank you, Stephen.

Speaker D:

Extremely valuable to us.

Speaker C:

All right.

Speaker C:

We really appreciate it and thanks for all our listeners for listening to another episode of Boxcar Universe.

Speaker C:

Don't forget, if you're looking for cutting edge information on remodeling and restoration and renovations, this is the place you need to be.

Speaker C:

Also, if you're looking to build a container home or a container pool, we can do that for you as well.

Speaker C:

Let us build your dream container home or pool.

Speaker C:

Make sure you can always connect with us two ways.

Speaker C:

Toll free 18 Triple 3 Boxcar.

Speaker C:

That's 18 Triple 3 Boxcar or steve@boxcaruniverse.com Always remember, Boxcar Universe can be heard on any podcast player.

Speaker C:

And don't forget, let us elevate your sustainable lifestyle and we'll see you on the next episode of Boxcar Universe.

Speaker D:

You're a great American.

Speaker D:

I love you.

Speaker A:


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Boxcar Universe
Boxcar Universe - brings the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about high-tech container home sustainable lifestyle living. For over 17 years, TV and radio personality Steve Deubel has been hosting the Image Home Improvement Show—always at the forefront of home improvement and home renovation projects now entering the new wave sweeping the country….Container Home Living in the “Boxcar Universe" Mel Alva joins Steve as his co-host. Mel is the owner of Alva Interiors AZ. & has over 22 years' experience in residential and commercial design. Together, they join forces and bring you the cutting edge information of Container Home & Sustainable Lifestyle Living.

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Stephen Deubel